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Embryology–important aspects of IVF
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Embryology–Some important aspects of IVF
Once decided to go ahead for IVF, the couple usually start their search from one IVF center to other. In a study conducted at our institute on 549 couples who specifically came for IVF procedure, we listed the various questions they ask .With first and foremost query being IVF charges, questions regarding success rate and time spent in procedure , number of visits required and number of injections need to be given are asked frequently. Whether the procedure will be painless is usually a female partner’s query. The most neglected question is regarding embryologist or lab part. Hardly 1% patients asked any relevant question regarding embryology part. Comparing the data with west our general awareness regarding this part of IVF is very poor. This lack of awareness has lot of importance as this creates the main hurdle in counseling the couple. Normally people carry myths regarding achievements through IVF, easily hooked by advertisement or cheap publicity, attracted by false claims regarding success rates.
There is intense need to understand the quality management programme in IVF and guidelines for proper lab maintenance.
What to look for in a center? The most unnoticed part is the lab and embryology.
For viability of centre the lab must be in a running condition which in turn may require a minimum of 10-15 cases per month taken up randomly. Repated cultures from lab , periodic calibration of instruments needs a dedicated in house qualified embryologist. IVF centre itself needs to fulfill basic requirements regarding space and instruments to get an accreditation.